Back to the OLD school…


SATURDAY, September 13th
TITLE TOWN Soul & Funk Party
brillobox (4104 Penn Avenue, Pittsburgh)
Doors/music at 9pm; 21+; $6
Facebook RSVP

Pittsburgh’s TITLE TOWN Soul & Funk Party returns on Saturday, September 13th for its ongoing residency at the Brillobox.

This month, we present our “summer’s almost gone/back to school” edition – spinning five hours of soul music, cutting across all eras and styles, played loud for a ready-to-party crowd – one last time before summer’s gone.

As always, we continue our mission of throwing one of the most lively and interesting parties in the city – “tug on your heart” soul music, uptempo funk, sultry R&B, disco and Latin Boogaloo combined with screenings of vintage film. It’s a variety of sights and sounds you won’t find anywhere else.

Chill out downstairs as the sun sets, share some food and drink, then get down on the upstairs dancefloor once night falls.

If this sounds like something you’d be into, we’ll save a spot for you on the dance floor.

Facebook RSVP